If you lose, you stay in red and double your bet until you win. For instance, losing 1€, you must bet 2€ on red; if you lose again, bet 4€; another loss, bet 8€ on red. When you win, change to black and bet 1€. If zero comes up, which rarely happens, you lose your 1€. Then, bet 2€ on red again, and keep doing this until you win. Black is drawn, you lose $10 and bet $20. Black is drawn again, you bet $40. Third time, you bet $80; fourth - $160, then $320. If black is drawn once again, for a 6th time, you would have already lost a total of $630, and will have $370 left in your account, and will be unable to make the required bet of $640.

  1. Roulette Double Bet On Loss Carryforward
  2. Roulette Double Bet On Loss Carryback
  3. Roulette Double Bet Strategy

You’ve probably heard it said that “everyone has a system”. The statement may well be true, but the fact is that – whether or not they realize it – many people are actually using the exact same system. In so-called roulette strategy, by far the most popular betting system is the Martingale – a system based on playing even money bets and doubling after losses.

The video above features our gambling expert Bob, who explains the Martingale betting system. This can be used for any casino game, although it is tailored for roulette in this instance. Bob demonstrates exactly how to place bets using the Martingale strategy and explains the theory behind it.

For new gamblers the Martingale can be a good introduction to both the positives and limitations of betting systems. The more experienced players are certainly correct to point out the flaws in this system, but that doesn’t mean there’s not a time and place (and player) for which the Martingale is the perfect betting method to use.


How the Martingale System Works

In order to use the Martingale system at the roulette table you’ll need a fairly sizable bankroll and the ability to do some basic math. In the Martingale you’ll be making bets only on even money bets (such as red/black or odd/even) and doubling your bet after every loss.

Here’s how it works. You’ll want to start with the table minimum, and for the purposes of this example we’ll say that’s $5. If you win a bet at any time during the system you’ll always return to this $5 level.

However, when you lose a bet it’ll be time to double your wager on the next spin. For instance, if you lose a $5 bet your next bet will be $10. Lose that bet and you’ll move up to the $20 level, and so on. Remember though, that if you win at any time your next bet is back to just $5 again.

The Martingale system is designed to allow you to accumulate a lot of small wins with very little risk of ever losing your entire bankroll. Since you are always doubling your bet, the end result of every winning bet is a profit of $5, whether you win at the $5 level or at any other bet level after that. On the contrary, a system like the Guetting is designed to win a sizeable amount of chips by the end of a winning streak or coup.

That’s the Martingale in a nutshell. It usually helps to have an end point in mind when using this system. You may choose to play until you’ve won a certain amount of money, or until a certain amount of time has passed.

Roulette Double Bet On Loss

Roulette Double Bet On Loss Carryforward

Issues with the Martingale System

There are a few issues to bear in mind when it comes to using the Martingale system in roulette. The first issue is the harsh reality that the Martingale system will not allow you to overcome the house edge in roulette. Every bet you make still has an edge for the casino and, while the times when you lose your entire bankroll will be rare, they will happen often enough to cause you to eventually lose money at the expected rate (at least in the long run).

This might not always be true if you had a literally infinite bankroll, as then you could play as long as necessary until you finally scored a win and you’d still come out ahead by $5 at that point. But unfortunately, even for those with extremely large bankrolls, there is another pressure on the system. That is the maximum bet at your table.

Imagine that your roulette table has a $5 minimum and a $500 maximum. That means you could make seven bets – wagers of $5, $10, $20, $40, $80, $160 and $320 – before you will no longer be allowed to double your bet.

This means that if you should lose seven consecutive bets you’ll ultimately have gone “bust” for that cycle, and you’ll have lost a total of $635. That would be fine if you’d only lose seven times in a row once every 128 cycles, as that would be enough to break even. However, on an American roulette wheel this will actually happen about once every 90 cycles – too often for you to show a profit.

The numbers are better in European roulette, as you’ll only go bust once every 106 cycles or so – but that is still not good enough to beat the house and exploit a biased wheel.

It’s also worth noting that you’ll need a rather large bankroll when compared to your initial bet to use this system. In the example above, a $5 initial bet requires a bankroll of $635 in order to play the system for at least seven consecutive spins.

Advantages to the Martingale System

Despite the limitations outlined above, that doesn’t mean you can’t, or even shouldn’t, use the Martingale. That is as long as you understand what you’re going to get out of the system.

The Martingale is perfect for players who are willing to take the risk of losing a large amount of money on some occasions in exchange for frequent small wins. If you use the Martingale in a casino, chances are that you’ll end most nights with small wins.

There will be the times when everything goes wrong and you lose a large amount, but on any given trip to the casino you’re much more likely to come out ahead – something that will definite appeal to many gamblers.

The Black and Red roulette strategy that you may read below is a very simple strategy, but still a very effective one. This system will be useful to all the players who do not possess a big money balance, unlike Martingale strategy which requires you to double all the bets you have lost. Here is how you need to carry out our black and red roulette system:

As the name of the system tells you, with this roulette strategy, you need to bet on black and red. The betting session starts with you placing a bet of $5 on a color of your choice. You need to continue to bet $5 on the same color until you lose two times in a row. If this happens, you will need to start placing bets of $10 until you either win two times in a row or you lose two times in a row. If you win two times in a row, you decrease your bet to $5. If you lose two times in a row, then you need to raise your bet to $15. The progression looks like this – $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $40, $50. This strategy may be carried out with initial bet of $1, as well, depending on the bankroll of the roulette player, and then the progression would look like this – $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, $10.

As you will see for yourself, our black and red roulette strategy is very effective and you can win quite good with it.

Read more useful information and all our roulette strategies by visiting our roulette section.

Roulette Double Bet On Loss Carryback


Roulette Double Bet Strategy

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