1. I've Got A Gambling Problem Solving
  2. I've Got A Gambling Problem Among
  3. Have I Got A Gambling Problem

Signs and symptoms of a gambling problem include: getting a thrill from taking gambling risks, taking increasingly bigger gambling risks over time, a preoccupation with gambling, reliving past gambling experiences (through imagination or telling stories), using gambling as a way to escape problems or negative feelings, feeling guilt or remorse. Gambling debt reveals two problems, firstly there is the addiction, and secondly there is the problem of getting out of the debt hole. Thankfully, there is a solution for both. Free help is available for both gambling debt and gambling addiction. If you can accept that you have a problem then you already half way to finding the solution. I've went up to maybe almost $20000 and I don't necessarily. Have much to show for it. I am an internal auditor and I work for a tribal casino. So it is rather ironic that I have a gambling problem at the casino.

Recovering from a gambling problem isn't always easy. It can take hard work and a lot of encouragement.

Many people with a gambling addiction can turn their lives around because of support from people close to them.

We can help you provide this support with information and tips specifically suited to your situation.

I’m Worried About Someone

Information on how to help your loved ones.

How to prepare yourself to support someone, mentally and emotionally

Steps to limit the impacts of your loved one’s gambling on you.


Understanding why people gamble

Understand how gambling can start and why it’s hard to stop.

Having the conversation

Ways you can help someone with a gambling problem.

Looking after your finances


Tips for partners, family and friends to protect your finances

Protecting yourself and your family

If you have ever felt threatened or unsafe, or if you are concerned about the welfare of children affected by a parent’s gambling, it’s important that you know that there is support available.

Identifying if someone close to you has a gambling problem


Gambling issues are often easy to hide. People who gamble compulsively may feel ashamed and fear being rejected.

These factors combine to create considerable barriers to help-seeking seeking help. And can explain why some people deny the problem until the impacts are severe.

If your friend or family member is struggling with their gambling, he or she might:

  • have long, unexplained absences from home, school, or work.
  • withdraw from family and friends.
  • seem anxious or distracted, or have difficulty paying attention.
  • have mood swings, usually high when winning and lower when losing.
  • get overly upset at the conclusion of sporting matches or online games.
  • become secretive over money and finances or start to hide bank and credit card statements.
  • display intense interest in gambling conversations.
  • ask friends and family for money.
  • have unexplained debts, or windfalls of cash or new items (like new clothes or jewellery).
  • is always either short of money, or exceedingly generous.
  • has money conflicts with other people.

You may notice that:

  • money is missing from the house or from bank accounts.
  • an increasing lack of money despite the same income and expenses.
  • your family member takes on extra jobs, but you don't see any extra money.
  • unexplained dwindling of savings and assets.
  • jewellery or other valuables disappearing and reappearing as they are pawned.
  • your family member talks about gambling all the time.
  • your family member defends gambling as a way to get money.
  • Your family member may get secretive, defensive or even blame you for the need to gamble. They may you that it is ‘all for you’ and you need to trust in the ‘big win someday.’

Sunenna’s Story

“You’re not alone and help is available.” Sunenna says many people think their story is unique, but there are lots of people fighting similar battles.

Chandana's story

“You don’t need to keep it to yourself.” Chandana’s was shocked to find out about her partner’s gambling. She says that without the help of others, she could never have rebounded so quickly.

Gambling harm podcast: Affected others

Real stories

See full listing of storiesI'm a 27 year old female from New Jersey with a gambling addiction. I've never thought of me frequenting casinos to play cards as a problem, but as time lapses, I've noticed the following (severely) wrong things that have been and continue to be a result of my 'recreational visits:'
1. Bill money has been used to spend on 'getting away.' I'm seemingly behind on payments for various things on a monthly basis.

I've Got A Gambling Problem Solving

2. I feel severely depressed driving back home after losing all of my money.
3. I've made lying a second nature with family and my boyfriend as to where I'm going or what I'm doing while at the casino(s).
4. I think of gambling at least once a day. At least.
5. My feelings toward going to the casino is to 'unwind' and 'forget my life's issues for awhile.'
It's difficult for me to say I've got an issue, but putting just some of the hangups that have originated from playing cards/slots/dice down the shore just screams 'compulsive/obsessive gambler.'
IAs members of this board who share the same addiction as me, I'm pleading for absolution that there's hope, that it will get better, and I'm not 'crazy' or 'pathetic.' I feel as though this is just a sickness, as is alcoholism or narcotics addiction.
Any advice and support would be extremely helpful. I'd write more, but the thought of how screwed up and out of control my issue has become is actually exhausting--I honestly don't even know where to begin without making the post 10 pages long.

I've Got A Gambling Problem Among

Have I Got A Gambling Problem
